Friday, August 10, 2007

Have a little faith

With all the hype on Facebook and all the other new peer sharing websites, I find myself trapped in an unknown time zone. I have accounts in all these new programs but I don't find myself as excited as everyone else. Quoting KS ' sign of old age '. Perhaps it is and perhaps it isn't.

Many times, I try to give up not working so hard and just concentrating on my studies and enjoying my young age which is supposed to be filled with never-ending mamak sessions, group trips and partying; I find myself addicted to working. I just don't feel like going out at all. I am so comfortable in my home, going out seem like a chore. Wait a minute, I am not saying that, or am I?

I think I should do some self-reflection. I need it.

Till then, will update some time later when I finish part of my dissertation.

In many ways, I thank God He is always by my side no matter what happens. Dissertation no problem in God! :)


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