Monday, July 31, 2006

The land of bagpipes and shortcakes

Scotland, what can I say? Nice place, nice weather considering every other part of Europe is burning hot. Here in Aberdeen, it's nice and cool; occasionally rainy and can get a little too cold. In this city, almost 100% of the buildings are made out of granite. It's nice and quaint in Old Aberdeen but busy in Aberdeen city centre.

For those who don't know, I am here also to visit Adeline or Ade-Line as her housemates calls her and our daily activity seems to be shopping for groceries. lol.

It's 4 am now and the sun is rising and Adeline is sleeping while I am writing this post in her dark room and using her laptop. So far, we are still in great tolerance of each other. hehe. But I must say this trip over here has been real FUN! All the cooking together sessions and grocery shopping and the walk to nice parks and the beach. Basically just chilling out has been fun. And her housemates are a crazy bunch. They are all so friendly and I feel so at home. Nice!

Will post up pictures soon when I get some free time. In the meantime, as they say it in the UK, CHEERS MATES!


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