Friday, August 04, 2006

PIctures of London

Finally I am able to upload a few pictures of my adventure with Han Jin a.k.a Ethan in London. We were both burnt out by the end of the day but it was worth all the effort. It is truly metropolitan and the buildings and parks literally takes my breath away.

On the other hand, the down side to London is the level of pollution. I find it polluted and there are just too many tourist around that the places of interest often feels overcrowded and stuffy.

We had the pleasure to witness the changing of the guards at Buckingham Palace

Han Jin and one of the guards. He likes to think that he is taller than the guard..hehe

This is the tower bridge picture which we took when we went for the River Thames Cruise

Han Jin and I in front of the Parliment House of London and of course the ever famous Big Ben a.k.a the clock tower part of Parliment (just in case some of you don't know.. hehe..)

Emofied picture in front of the Parliment House. This is what happens to you when you have walked around the whole city carrying tons of stuff; you'll end up completely STONED.. haha

I guess I will leave you guys with the pictures. There are just too many pictures to put up. Will try and slip in a picture of two sometime this week.


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